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Surge Homes News

For first-time homebuyers, one of the biggest challenges to owning a new townhome, new single-family home, or condo for sale is coming up with the funds for a down payment. Depending on the type of mortgage loan secured, the down payment can range from 5 percent to 20 percent (the amount necessary ...

If you’ve ever considered purchasing a condominium, townhome, or single-family home for your personal residence, the stars have aligned. Interest rates are low and rental rates are rising. If you find yourself wondering which path to take, Surge Homes is here to help you realize the advantage and ...

It’s a buyer’s market in the world of newly developed residential real estate. The high demand is pushing developers to build at a record pace. They’re including amenities modern homeowners want, from lifestyle services to high-end interior finishes. If you’re wondering if you should buy a new ...

Is it better to rent or buy in Houston? In Houston, we are experiencing a rapid increase in the population, which has driven up the demand for rental housing. You’ll hear reporters use descriptions such as, “multifamily development boom.” You'll also read articles like this one that report, “Rents ...

Urban cities have become a Who’s Who list of individuals from one of the largest population groups in America—baby boomers. While Millennials have garnered a lot of attention for their outspoken demand for urban and urban-inspired living, Baby Boomers are right there with them. Baby Boomers are ...

Buying a home is not just for families or people with high incomes. Tired of apartment living and looking for a good investment, many single women are making the decision to buy a home of their own. In fact, more than 21% of U.S. homebuyers are single women.

As a first time Houston homebuyer, the home buying process may seem daunting. Never fear, there are many great local and online resources to assist you on your journey towards home ownership. Here is a short list of three free resources to help you get started: